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tv   CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley  CBS  December 31, 2012 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

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ve >> jarvis: good evening. scott is off. i'm rebecca jarvis. in a few hours, the u.s. will go over the fiscal cliff which could trigger across-the-board sex increases and billions in spending cuts. however, there is hope for a soft landing. eadate republican leader mitch odaynnell and president obama said today a deal was close. yut late in the day house leaders announced they will not ote on a deal tonight. aiey're waiting for the senate. enswhat happens now? we have two reports beginning with nancy cordes on capitol hill. nancy, good evening. >> good evening to you, rebecca. it looks like the deadline pressure finally prompted a meeting of the minds today. negotiators agreed to a plan that extends the bush era tax icans.or 99% of americans. on they are hung up on one key looksing issue, and so it looks like we will go over the fiscal cliff at least temporarily. >> we're very, very close to an
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agreement. >> reporter: senate republican leader mitch mcconnell said his mcconnthe-clock negotiations with vice president biden had t id off. >> i can report that we've reached an agreement on all of the tax -- the tax -- issues. >> reporter: first and foremost, the bush era tax cuts. ohe two sides agreed to extend them permanently for all household income under $400,000 a year for individuals, $450,000 foear for families. egotiators also agreed to prevent the alternative minimum tax on the wealthy from hitting and ions of middle class families every year by permanently adjusting it to inflation. and they agreed to hike the estate tax rate from 35% to 40%, but the first $5 million worth of inheritance would be exempt from taxation permanently. the breakthrough prompted relief inr many, including connecticut enator joe lieberman. >> i hope the negotiations going n now end with an agreement and
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h hope that we will pass it with a bipartisan majority, strong bipartisan majority in the useate and the house. ,> reporter: but others, chiefly ere angrans, were angry that the deal did not include a serious ndckage of spending cuts and might actually add to the deficit. corker.e senator bob corker. >> everybody on this body knows we've done nothing -- nothing -- by the time this agreement takes place to reduce a penny of debt ofthis country. people know that. that's a shame. >> reporter: tonight the two >> sides are still haggling over the $110 billion worth of spending cuts across-the-board cuts that are set to go into effect tomorrow. they're trying to figure out a way to push those cuts off for of least a couple of months. a,cause of that, rebecca, the senate still hasn't voted and te house can't vote until the senate does. so we're still in limbo. >> jarvis: nancy cordes, thank pres
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alksident obama gave a briefing on the budget talks before an audience that included former campaign volunteers and garrett rs. major garrett is at the white house tonight. dajor, good evening. evreporter: good evening, rebecca. the president wants higher axcome taxes on the wealthy but althy to give up a few things to achieve that. nene, for example, the $250,000 threshold that was part of the presidential successful re- election campaign. top white house officials insisted it would not budge. ábtdgmoved up to $450,000 per household. ehold.will go up on estates and family farms but the president gave in to republican demands to minimize the scope of that particular tax increase. all along both sides said they o kt to keep taxes more or less where they are for most tax payers. that's been achieved but blicblicans in the senate and use house for the first time and tder the president's steady pressure are saying they're looking at and likely to vote for higher income taxes. >> for now our most immediate priority is to stop taxes going
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up for middle class families starting tomorrow. i think that is a modest goal that we can accomplish. democrats and republicans in congress have to get this done tut they're not there yet. they are close. tut they're not there yet. one thing we can count on with respect to this congress is that if there's even one second left before you have to do what tou're supposed to do, they will use that last second. >> reporter: the president appears willing and congress arpears prepared to go along with an idea of using time it havsn't really have. but after securing an extension of jobless benefits and tax thedits for low-income and poor working families, the president fhinks congress and more importantly the country can live with one day of cliff diving but not many more. >> major garrett, thank you. thl of this uncertainty is not sitting well with business owners. it's tough to run a company when you have no idea what's going to happen in washington.
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lee cowan has that part of the story. >> reporter: joanne is running the numbers. her payroll is due this week. although she at least now has a ozen of what taxes to withhold from her dozen employees, that's only half her worry. unresolved spending cuts are the other. >> it's very uncertain and very nnerving and very... causes a lot of anxiety and a lot of lack of sleep. >> reporter: she's the president of golden state magnetic and netrant,t, a $2 million a year angelgeles company that paspects, cleans and paints high-tech aircraft and aerospace parts. everything from fighter jets to mars rovers. any cuts in defense spending could mean cuts in her business too. and waiting has her on a fiscal oliff of her own. what does it do if there's another month, two months, three months of this? ti it could potentially impact the entire year. makeesn't allow you to make any
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plans or focus on what your future expansion or growth or anything is. >> reporter: it could shoot a hole in your whole year. >> it could shoot >> it could shoot a hole in your whole year. reporter: california has the ctst workers associated with the defense industry. in 2010 the numbers topped out at more than 160,000 employees so the wrangling in washington has a huge impact here. there seems an element of this that is just... >> unfair? reporter: is that what you think? >> incredibly unfair. >> reporter: because? >> because they have a tysponsibility. they're not taking care of it. thereporter: the company did have to lay off workers during the recession but she said things were starting to get better. a pember was a very good month. all this uncertainty she says puts her right back to square one a problem that she says was completely avoidable from the hankt. pitalrvis: lee cowan, thank you.
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we're learning more about what onused secretary of state hillary to be admitted to a hospital. doctors say mrs. clinton is being treated for a blood clot in her head. margaret brennan is at new york goodbyterian hospital and good toening, margaret. >> reporter: good evening to you, rebecca. areetary clinton and her top aides are inside this hospital. we now know she is being treated for a blood clot inside her head. according to a statement just released by her doctors, quote, this is a clot in the vein that ituatedated in the space between betweain and the skull behind the right ear. it did not result in a stroke or neurological damage. this comes after clinton was hospitalized on sunday. this was former president bill glinton leaving the hospital his afternoon where his wife will remain for at least another day. he 65-year-old was last seen in public on december 7 in northern ireland where she spoke about emfe after her retirement from ene state department. bai look forward to coming back
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and having some time just to relax and spend a few hours talking with friends and thinking about things besides siblic life. >> reporter: clinton develops a rusmach virus was on that trip to europe and had to cancel a subsequent visit to morocco. a few days later back in the ts. she fainted and fell. her aides say it was the result of dehydration. on december 15 the state ed thatent announced that clinton had sustained a toncussion in that fall. doctors recommended, quote, that dhe secretary continue to rest ad avoid any strenuous activity and strongly advised her to cancel all work events for the theng week. clinton canceled the december 20 appearance before a congressional committee to testify about the attack on the u.s. mission in benghazi. she also missed the december 21 nomination of senator john kerry to succeed her. , thecember 27, the state department announced that tointon would return to work in the new year.
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it was three days later when her spokesperson said she had been hospitalized. secretary clinton had a blood otot once before in 1998 as first lady. she said she developed one in fr leg from her nonstop flying around the country. as secretary of state that nonstop travel continued. triesisited 112 countries and flew nearly one million miles. in initial statements clinton spokesperson said she would be hospitalized for 48 hours. doctors now say they need to see how she responds to medication. >> jarvis: margaret brennan, thank you. >> m dr. jon lapook is our chief medical correspondent. nt.d evening, jon. at dohat do you think has happened to secretary clinton? >> rebecca, that blood clot that margaret described is behind the heght ear. it's in the vein that helps bring blood from the brain all the way down. what happened is really ybody'y's guess but trying to er, we together, we know that two to three weeks ago she head.d and hit her head.
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at that time, she could have had trauma. she could ripped that vein and a littittle bleeding, a little ittl formation. on top of that we were told she had a stomach virus. k know that dehydration ationases the odds of having a clot. on top of that there's a history ble tblood clot in her leg. it is possible that she has ncy tlying tendency towards g.creased clotting. that's something down the road ehere doctors are going to have to look into that. thatarvis: how serious does it sound and what's the prognosis? pr the prognosis seems excellent. >> the reason is this was found founentally. cie didn't have a stroke or a seizure. it was just found on an incidental exam. she's going to need, say, three to six months of anti- coagulation. on.the months following head trauma if you're thinning somebody's blood there is a risk of causing bleeding. they're going to follow her very of g.osely and the prognosis should her vcellent. >> jarvis: dr. jon lapook, thank you. indians protest for women's rights after a rape victim's violent death. was the driver going too fast before a deadly bus crash in
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ingon? and why this was a tough day to be an nfl coach. when the cbs evening news continues. continues. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ]
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so don't wait. call your doctor right away. tamiflu is prescription medicine for treating the flu in adults and children one year and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing. have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. the flu comes on fast, so ask your doctor about tamiflu. prescription for flu. >> jarvis: the >> jarvis: there were demonstrations throughout india arday. marchers demanded justice for a young woman who died after being viciously raped and tortured on a bus. here's elizabeth palmer. >> reporter: protests replaced ma year's celebrations in many
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places in india today as men and women of all ages demanded tonges to the way authorities treat rape and women. st nt jusorter: the anger first upted d last week sparked by the case of a 23-year-old physiotherapy student gang raped and beaten by six men out joy joing on a new dehli bus which is now a crime scene. she died on saturday, still not publicly named because the stigma of rape is so great. victims say they're often ignored and humiliated so it takes an exceptionally brave woman to speak up. shavna is one of them. after she said she was gang hli hein her village near new dehli, her father committed suicide believing the family runor was ruined. now with police protection, shavna has decided to press charges. "i want them all punished," she says," so my father didn't die in vein." protests across india show a new
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generation is challenging deep- t will sexism, but it will be a long fight. female babies are still routinely aborted by couples who ,refer sons, which is upset india's gender balance. or every 100 men, there are now only 94 women. a number that still is dropping while rape itself is on the rise. official figures show a 25% increase in six years. eratever the reasons, indians iansfurious. the government clearly rattled by the outcry has announced that hee six men accused in the bus murderase will face murder charges and the death penalty. elizabeth palmer, cbs news, london. >> jarvis: a passenger who urvived a deadly bus crash in oregon on sunday says the driver was going too fast. the bus carrying 46 people doammed through a guardrail and tumbled down a steep embankment.
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nine people were killed. new technology could stop drunk drivers before they start the car. we'll see it when we come back. ck. did you know when heartburn, it's too late to take prilosec because... but it's but zantac® works differently. it relieves heartburn in as little as 30 minutes. in fact, so, when heartburn strikes, try zantac® this has been medifacts for zantac®
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to relieve my nighttime stuffy nose. so i can breathe better and sleep better. [ female announcer ] go to for special offers. >> jarvis: pol >> jarvis: police are telling rivey goers this new year's eve to drive sober or get pulled over. last year nearly 10,000 people died in the u.s. in drunk driving accidents. mark strassman reports new kechnology could prevent drunk drivers from ever starting their engines.
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>> reporter: on october 29, nd10, matt and meredith eastridge were pregnant with their first child, a son. the same night david huffman spent the last two hours of his life getting drunk. ch put away the equivalent of 15 drinks, each one recorded on a security camera. oe 25-year-old stumbled out of tte charlotte bar and three minutes later... >> i remember saying look at that car. car.that was the last thing i hemember. >> reporter: you were hit head orter: y .> yes, sir. reporter: both the eastridges were critically injured when huffman with a blood alcohol content three times the legal limit and driving 100 miles per hour hurdled into their s.u.v. meredith, six months pregnant, pregtheir baby. >> i think about him every day. i think about, you know, how old he would be and what he would be doing. >> reporter: a family you would doin had. >> right. there are multiple times in that muht that this tragedy could been prevented.
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>> so we want to take this device and implement it in the car. >> reporter: bud glowg is leading a research team creating technology that could prevent 10,000 drunk driving deaths a runk dr unlike this existing breathalyzer test for convicted drunk drivers, these two new sensors would test anyone behind bee wheel. to the idea is to develop a sensor that can be implemented in the vehicle to prevent anybody that's above the legal limit, above the .08 legal limit from moving the vehicle and driving. >> reporter: the touch base sensor embedded in the start- lop button shines an infrared alght into the driver's finger. in a half second it measures the alcohol content in the tissue. the second type of technology is a breath-based sensor mounted near the steering wheel. it would measure molecules in a driver's breath. how far away is this technology from being ready? >> at this stage i would say we're probably looking 8-10 years away is when you would start seeing it inside vehicles. >> reporter: the $10 million epnding is split between 16 car makers and the federal
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makernment but it's opposed by be american beverage institute which represents 8,000 chain eestaurants in the u.s. the group made the following statement. drunk driving fatalities are at historically low levels. we shouldn't try to solve what's left of the drunk driving problem by targeting all americans with alcohol-sensing technology. ave eastridges now have a daughter sloan. cay hope this technology will be standard in new cars by the time she is old enough to drive. mark strassman, cbs news, charlotte. vi jarvis: one day after the nfl's regular season ended, seven teams fired their head heaches. among the newly unemployed are super bowl veterans andy reed of phiaphiladelphia eagles, ken whisenhunt of the arizona eardinals and lovie smith of the nd lago bears plus buffalo's chan daily, cleveland's pat shermer, kansas city's romeo cornell and san diego's norv dirner. there is a place of hope for
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[ nyquil bottle ] just reading your label. relieve nasal congestion? sure don't you? [ nyquil bottle ] dude! [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn't. >> jarvi >> jarvis: we reported earlier this m we reported earlier this month about efforts to prevent the slaughter of african elephants. it is estimated that 25,000 are killed every year by poachers, who make a fortune selling their ivory tusks.
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left behind are hundreds of orphaned elephants. our contributing science correspondent m. sanjayan of the nature conservancy found a woman who has devoted her entire life to helping them at an elephant sanctuary in kenya. >> reporter: these orphaned elephants are getting a second chance at life thanks to their foster mother, dame daphne sheldrick. >> we tried to replicate what that baby elephant would have in the wild, the most important thing being a family. >> reporter: sheldrick has lived among elephants nearly 60 years and started the orphanage in the 1970s when killing elephants for their tusks became an international crisis. over the years, she has discovered elephants share many traits with humans: a long life-span, mourning of their dead and strong family bonds. that's led to new techniques for raising elephants in captivity. >> so we have a team of keepers that represents the elephant family that they've lost. and here in the nursery, the
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keepers or attendants are with the little orphans 24 hours a day because a baby elephant in a natural situation would never ever be left on its own; and all the family care for that baby. >> reporter: today, elephants are under attack again by criminal gangs of poachers. for sheldrick, it cuts deeply. >> i have raised over 150 infants through the nursery here. we've lost our own orphans to poaching, one named sellengay just the other day. and we raised that orphan from one-week-old. it's like losing a family member. >> reporter: this is sheldrick's latest adoptee, 1- year-old qwanza. her mother and two sisters were gunned down near a national park, and sheldrick's staff was called in to help. the baby was in severe shock and would not feed. qwanza was stabilized by
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veterinarians and then airlifted back to the orphanage. sheldrick says it's difficult to get traumatized elephants to accept food from humans, so it was a big moment when qwanza took milk from a bottle for the first time. the human touch is crucial. but sheldrick told us qwanza's fellow orphans are just as important. >> she will be able to take her cue from them, and they will be comforting her. >> reporter: qwanza won't be released back into the wild for 10 years; but if that happens, she would be sheldrick graduate number 198. that's a record made possible by her caretakers, human and otherwise. m. sanjayan, cbs news, nairobi. >> and that is the "cbs evening news." for scott pelley, i'm rebecca jarvis. and for all of us at cbs news, happy new year. good night.
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald. good evening, i'm elizabeth cook. >> i'm brian hackney. allen is off tonight. put simply, it was a brutal year on the streets of oakland, violent crime surging, city leaders looking for solutions and ultimately admitted they needed outside help. but before any answers emerged, in 2013, oakland will mourn another victim. cbs 5 reporter ann notarangelo has that top story. good evening, app. >> reporter: hey, good evening, brian. you know, if no one is killed tonight, oakland will have seen 131 homicides this year. that's a 26% increase over 2011. and the latest victim, 15 years old, jubrille jordan. a somber annual memorial to remember oakland's homicide victims this year. the newest cross for 15-year- old jubrille jordan gunned down yesterday afternoon in an apartment complex near 66th avenue. a 14-year-old boy in the group
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was also shot in the foot. >> i looked out the window seen the little girl fall right here and the boy fall over here. >> i heard around 8 to 10 shots. s of so nervous i couldn't even call 911. >> reporter: police are looking for a teenage gunman. it's the same complex where another 15-year-old was gunned down in july. just a mile away from where 5- year-old gabriel martinez, jr., was killed a year ago to the day in front of the family's taco truck. >> these fools out here killing each other. >> reporter: of the 131 homicide victims this year, a dozen were under 18. >> have been watched 12 young people get murdered this year is very, very disheartening, discouraging and embarrassing to the city and myself as police chief. >> reporter: the police chief announced department changes for 2013. a


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